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An Ounce of Prevention

A majority of Americans in the prime of their lives assume there will be plenty of time in the future to worry about serious illness. For many, that time may not come. The knowledge that one of the silent killers could surface at any moment is not enough to make significant lifestyle changes or to make health screenings a habit. Illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and osteoporosis are a few examples. As individuals grow older, their bodies change and become more vulnerable to illness and disease. The best way to treat a disease is to prevent it. For some, they don’t take a proactive look at their life until one day, if they are lucky, they get what many health professionals call a ‘teachable moment,’ a time when a person is ready to listen, to learn and to take action. Often that moment comes when your doctor gives you the scary diagnosis. If Americans took the time to schedule routine screenings and exams, to educate themselves on risk factors associated with illnesses and, to focus on reduction of high risk factors, many illness would be significantly prevented or postponed. Please consult with your primary care physician about all screenings and immunizations. Together you and your care provider can outline a plan that is unique to you and your specific needs.

Routine Tests for Your Health

For Men and Women:

Wellness visit +Body Mass Index (BMI) AnnuallyFocus on your physical, emotional and mental health. Annually 
Blood Pressure At minimum – annuallyHigh blood pressure is a silent killer. To protect from stroke, heart attack, and liver, kidney and eye damage.RegularlyIf you are overweight, have diabetes or a family history of high blood pressure have it checked often.
Skin Exam Age 20-40Change in appearance of moles can signal skin cancer. A rough spot or area of bleeding can also signal skin cancer. Every 3 years, Annually after 40Pain, itchiness or bleeding.
Colonoscopy Age 45Removing polyps can help prevent colon cancer. Every 5 – 10 yearsFamily history, bowel disease or change in bowel movements.
Osteoporosis (DXA Scan) Age  50Early detection can help prevent excessive bone loss. Every 3 – 5 yearsFamily history of osteoporosis.
Cholesterol May begin as early at 18Regular screenings for men over 35, and women over 45 who are at risk for heart disease. RegularFamily history or heart disease or other risk factors
Lipid Disorder Age 35 in men; Age 45 in womenEarly detection of heart disease can be lifesaving. Every 1 – 3 yearsFamily history of coronary heart disease or those with increase risk of heart disease.
Diabetes Age 40 – 45Early detection can help prevent heart and kidney disease. Every 3 years Excessive urination, thirst or blurry vision.
Eye Examination Age 40-45: every 2-4 years. Age 55-64: every 1-3 years Early detection of glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts.Every two years; every year after age 65A family history of eye disease, or diabetics should have an exam every year regardless of age.
Infectious Disease ScreeningsDuring child bearing yearsSexually active individuals should be tested for HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia and GonorrheaPer the discretion of your primary care providerRisky behaviors and/or multiple partners
ThyroidAge 35 – 40Hypo- or hyperactive thyroid can lead to health problems.At least every 3 – 5 yearsWeight gain or loss, dry skin, depression or hair loss.
Hearing AssessmentWhen symptomatic   

Specifically for Women:

MammogramAge 40Early detection of breast cancer can be lifesavingEvery 1-2 years; annually after age 50Strong family history or if you discover a lump or discharge.
PAPWithin 3 years of onset of sexual activity or age 21Early detection of cervical cancer can be lifesavingAt least every 3 yearsStrong family history of cervical or uterine cancer.

Specifically for Men:

Prostate Screening (PSA)Age 50Early detection of prostate cancer can be lifesavingannually after age 50Family history of prostate cancer.


Tetanus, Diphtheria (Td)1 dose; Td booster every 10 years
PneumoccoccalPVV13 1 does given first; PVSV23 1, 2 or 3 doses if indicated
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)1-2 doses recommended for adults who meet the age requirement, lack documentation of vaccination, or lack evidence of past infection
Meningococcal (Meningitis)1 or more doses if not previously immunized, depending on risk factors and other indicators; 10 or more doses depending on immunity or past vaccinations
Varicella (Chicken Pox)2 doses 4-8 weeks apart without evidence of immunity
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)after the age of 60
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)3 doses if not previously immunized
Hepatitis A2 or 3 doses if not previously immunized when requested, or at risk
Hepatitis B3 doses if not previously immunized
Haemophilus Influenza type B1 dose for patients with asplenia, or sickle cell anemia;  3 doses for patients with Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant History (HSCT)